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The price start from: IDR2600K for the Shoes/Slippers article IDR2800K for the Boots article IDR3100K for the 7/8-Inch Boots article
The price start from: $279 for the Shoes/Slippers article $309 for the Boots article $339 for the 7/8-Inch Boots article
Please confirm the article below matches the current product page ^^
Article Select article Derby Shoes Ivories Shoes Oxford Shoes Wholecut Slippers Field Boots Service Boots Logger Boots Officer Boots Gunner Boots Moc Toe Boots Balmoral Boots Balmoral Oxford Boots Monkey Boots Tamarin Boots Ivories Boots 7-Inch Field Boots 7-Inch Service Boots 7-Inch Logger Boots 7-Inch Officer Boots 7-Inch Gunner Boots 8-Inch Moc Toe Boots 8-Inch Balmoral Boots 8-Inch Balmoral Oxford Boots 7-Inch Monkey Boots 7-Inch Tamarin Boots 8-Inch Ivories Boots
Article Select article Derby Shoes Ivories Shoes Oxford Shoes Wholecut Slippers Field Boots Service Boots Logger Boots Officer Boots Gunner Boots Moc Toe Boots Balmoral Boots Balmoral Oxford Boots Monkey Boots Tamarin Boots Ivories Boots 7-Inch Field Boots 7-Inch Service Boots 7-Inch Logger Boots 7-Inch Officer Boots 7-Inch Gunner Boots 8-Inch Moc Toe Boots 8-Inch Balmoral Boots 8-Inch Balmoral Oxford Boots 7-Inch Monkey Boots 7-Inch Tamarin Boots 8-Inch Ivories Boots
Upper Leather Select upper leather LIMITED Collection Clearance Collection Heritage Upper Badalassi Carlo Italy (+IDR1100K) Horween USA (+IDR1500K) Tochigi & Shinki Hikaku Japan (+IDR1500K) Shell Cordovan
Upper Leather Select upper leather LIMITED Collection Clearance Collection Heritage Upper Badalassi Carlo Italy (+$70.00) Horween USA (+$90.00) Tochigi & Shinki Hikaku Japan (+$90.00) Shell Cordovan
LIMITED Collection Select limited leather Maryam Italy - Toscanello TPR Horsebutt (+IDR1900K) Maryam Italy - Salvia TPR Horsebutt (+IDR1900K) Horween USA - Dublin Mocha Bisque (+IDR1500K) CF Stead (UK) - Kudu Nubuck Hunter Green (+IDR1500K) CF Stead (UK) - Oiled Shoulder Polo Brown (+IDR1500K)
LIMITED Collection Select limited leather Maryam Italy - Toscanello TPR Horsebutt (+$180.00) Maryam Italy - Salvia TPR Horsebutt (+$180.00) Horween USA - Dublin Mocha Bisque (+$90.00) CF Stead (UK) - Kudu Nubuck Hunter Green (+$90.00) CF Stead (UK) - Oiled Shoulder Polo Brown (+$90.00)
Clearance Collection Select clearance leather Badalassi Carlo Italy - Smooth Tobacco (+IDR1100K) Horween USA - Afrikaner Natural (+IDR1500K) Horween USA - Chamois Black (+IDR1500K) Horween USA - Chamois Navy(+IDR1500K) Horween USA - Roughout Chamois Black (+IDR1500K) Horween USA - Roughout Chamois Navy (+IDR1500K)
Clearance Collection Select clearance leather Badalassi Carlo Italy - Smooth Tobacco (+$70.00) Horween USA - Afrikaner Natural (+$90.00) Horween USA - Chamois Black (+$90.00) Horween USA - Chamois Navy (+$90.00) Horween USA - Roughout Chamois Black (+$90.00) Horween USA - Roughout Chamois Navy (+$90.00)
Heritage Upper Select Heritage leather Natural (Veg. Tanned) Black (Pull Up) Dark Brown (Pull Up) Tan (Pull Up) Burgundy (Pull Up) Maroon (Oil Tanned) Roughout Tan (Pull Up) Roughout Black (Pull Up) Roughout Maroon (Oil Tanned) Roughout Dark Brown (Oil Tanned) Roughout Natural (Oil Tanned) Natural Handyed Black (Veg. Tanned) Natural Handyed Dark Brown (Veg. Tanned) Natural Handyed Red (Veg. Tanned) Natural Handyed Cognac (Veg. Tanned) Natural Handyed Navy (Veg. Tanned) Natural Handyed (Veg. Tanned) - Color Request
Badalassi Upper Select Badalassi leather Pueblo - Bone (Natural) Pueblo - Prugna Pueblo - Oliva Pueblo - Grigio Smooth - Olmo Waxy - Napoli Roughout Natural (Pueblo) Smooth - Tobacco (Clearance Collection)
Horween Upper Select Horween leather CXL - Col. 8 (Burgundy) CXL - Natural CXL - Black CXL - Dark Brown Waxed Flesh - Java Dublin - Natural Roughout Natural (CXL) Dublin - Mocha Bisque (LIMITED Collection) Afrikaner - Natural (Clearance Collection) Chamois - Black (Clearance Collection) Chamois - Navy (Clearance Collection) Roughout Black (Chamois) (Clearance Collection) Roughout Navy (Chamois) (Clearance Collection)
Tochigi & Shinki Hikaku Upper Select Tochigi & Shinki Hikaku leather Tochigi - Oil Vachetta Col. 1 (Light Brown) Tochigi - Jeans Col. 3 (Brown) Tochigi - Jeans Col. 5 (Khaki) Shinki Hikaku - Black Teacore Horsehide (+IDR400K)
Tochigi & Shinki Hikaku Upper Select Tochigi & Shinki Hikaku leather Tochigi - Oil Vachetta Col. 1 (Light Brown) Tochigi - Jeans Col. 3 (Brown) Tochigi - Jeans Col. 5 (Khaki) Shinki Hikaku - Black Teacore Horsehide (+$40.00)
Contact us for a price quote. You've just need to pay down payment upfront, and pay off the rest once the product is finished.
Price: Shoes/Slippers ($760), 6-Inch ($830), 7/8-Inch ($950). You've just need to pay about ~50% upfront, and pay off the rest once the product is finished.
Shell Cordovan Upper Select Shell Cordovan leather Rocado - Marbled Rocado - Black Rocado - Dark Brown Rocado - Cognac Rocado - Whiskey Rocado - Green Rocado - Navy Rocado - Purple Rocado - Fuschia Shinki Hikaku - #1 Natural Shinki Hikaku - #2 Brown Shinki Hikaku - #3 Red Brown Shinki Hikaku - #4 Cognac Shinki Hikaku - #5 Burgundy Shinki Hikaku - #6 Red Shinki Hikaku - #7 Camel Shinki Hikaku - #8 Olive Shinki Hikaku - #9 Blue Shinki Hikaku - #10 Black Shinki Hikaku - #11 Green
Upper & Toe Thread Color Matching the Upper White Black Gold Tan Orange Mixed or Other Requests
Upper & Toe Thread Color (Request)
Outsole Select outsole Jakkrabbits - Warrens Sole Jakkrabbits - Commando Sole Jakkrabbits - Leather Sole Jakkrabbits - Closed Channel (+IDR300K) Vibram Sole (+IDR500K) Dr. Sole (+IDR500K)
Outsole Select outsole Jakkrabbits - Warrens Sole Jakkrabbits - Commando Sole Jakkrabbits - Leather Sole Jakkrabbits - Closed Channel (+$30.00) Vibram Sole (+$40.00) Dr. Sole (+$40.00)
Rubber Heels Select rubber heels Jakkrabbits - Warrens Heels Jakkrabbits - Commando Heels Jakkrabbits - Half Rubber Heels Vibram Heels (+IDR300K) Dr. Sole Heels (+IDR300K)
Rubber Heels Select rubber heels Jakkrabbits - Warrens Heels Jakkrabbits - Commando Heels Jakkrabbits - Half Rubber Heels Vibram Heels (+$25.00) Dr. Sole Heels (+$25.00)
Vibram Sole Select Vibram sole 2040 Fighter 1100 Montagna (Black) 1100 Montagna (Natural) 1149 Montagna (Black) 1149 Montagna (Natural) 430 Mini Lug Full Sole 2724 Mini Lug Half 2055 Eton 2333 Montara 2340 Exploison 9105 Gloxi Cut (White) 9105 Gloxi Cut (Black) 4014 Christy Morflex (White) 4014 Christy Morflex (Black) 2060 Sport (Beige) 2060 Sport (Black) 2021 Casual (Beige) 2021 Casual (Black)
Dr. Sole Select Dr. Sole 1090 Supergrip Half Sole 1091 Cork Half Sole (White) 1091 Cork Half Sole (Brown) 1091 Cork Half Sole (Green) 1092 Raw Cord Half Sole 1220 Supergrip Full Sole (Black) 1220 Supergrip Full Sole (White) 1220 Supergrip Full Sole (Green) 1122 Raw Cord Full Sole 1081 Cork Full Sole (Black) 1081 Cork Full Sole (Brown) 1081 Cork Full Sole (White) 1081 Cork Full Sole (Green) 3060 Cushion Sportsman (White) 3060 Cushion Sportsman (Black) 3070 Cushion Wanderer (White) 3070 Cushion Wanderer (Black) 2030 Strider (White) 2030 Strider (Black) 1240 Tumaz Lug
Personal Engraving (Insole)
Additional cost may apply for additional requests ^^